Summer in Latvia

One week away from work, but my mind is already summarizing all the things I have managed during the summer. Many wonder what have been up to while on the vacation, and carefully ask whether I have been working… as usual. No, I have not… Here is a short report 🙂

I escaped Sweden in the end of June after more than stressful travel period. This time I decided to stay longer in Riga, and do as little work as possible. Yes, yes, it was a plan, and trust me, I have been working on it ever since. My plan was to do as much of things that I cannot do in Karlskrona as I could. And I have been working on it quite well too. For those living in Karlskrona this post might be an interesting insight into opportunities that Latvia and Riga, in particular, has to offer during the summer. Note that Riga is just a night-long ferry away from Stockholm, and is an affordable weekend destination. It has lots to offer and here I share some highlights from the festivals and places I have attended.

Additionally I highly recommend to check out

1. Only a few workaholic days. Deadlines. What can I do? But otherwise lots and lots of rest!
2. Sun and – Thunder storms. Beautiful
3. Seaside and afternoons on the couch.
4. Late nights, late mornings.
5. Lunch with old and long unseen friends. One by one. Their life changed. They never do. And I like it.
6. Phone calls, long emails, short messages and tweets. I tweeted too! Yes I did!
7. Mushrooms, spiders and mosquitos on Wednesdays.
8. Jazz, bohemic gardens and a glass of white wine on Thursday evenings.
9. Festivals, loads of music and joy on Fridays. And Saturdays.
10. Although no trips to Helsinki this summer, a traditional escape from the heat to the Western Coast with my dearest mother – a trip to Ventspils 🙂